
Join us as we walk the Camino de Santiago, The Portuguese Way this September, 18th-30th. (The dates have been adjusted)

In this important time on the planet we feel called to offer this pilgrimage, to gather and walk in harmony and joy for ourselves and all of humanity. We will be walking this profound pilgrimage, as a group, sharing in a journey of the heart, playing music and nourishing deeply with nature. This journey offers each of us the opportunity for greater clarity, expansion and connection. 

Known as one of the great pilgrimages on earth, the camino is a sacred walking journey. We will be walking the spectacular coast of Portugal listening and learning with the land, those we meet, our intuition and the Earth’s wisdom.  Along with full days of walking as a community, we will share in yoga, meditation, music, creative-flow, holistic practices, and nature ceremonies.  Together we will connect with sacred sites, receiving and exchanging guidance and make beautiful offerings for our evolution, for the Earth and all of Creation.  

This journey is organised as a collective initiative to share in the love and spirit of nature, walking, music as medicine and community. We will be bringing our experience of retreats, pilgrimages and healing practices from around the world to those who join this journey.

Do you feel the call to walk a powerful pilgrimage, to be fully immersed in the tranquility and awe of nature?

Do you wish to feel more connected to your body and spirit, active and alive? Would you appreciate time to reflect, gain greater life-perspective and clarity while receiving the teachings this pilgrimage has to offer?

Do you desire to connect with your own authentic expression and the joy of music, learning and singing songs from around the world? (No prior music experience is necessary) 

Are you looking for guidance, greater empowerment and ease in you work, life and relationships?


Sacred Journey – Heart Music – Nature Connection – Community 


Yoga ~ Music & Movement  ~Stillness and Guided Meditations  ~ Heart & Indigenous Wisdom ~ Elemental Ceremonies ~ Shamanic and healing Practices


Unique journeys to Sacred Nature Sites ~ Ocean Water Cleansing and Blessings  ~ Nature Quest ~Sharing Circles  ~ Visioning Activation for Personal Growth and Work


Enjoy the Simplicity of life ~ Daily Walking ~Self-love and Self- Care Practices ~ Healing foods ~Harmonious Relating ~ Optional Personal Sessions/coaching 

“There was something so special about the journey that created a great shift in my direction and vision of life and a steady flow of manifesting and connection. This was such a beautiful experience that will be always remembered. Thank you for the pure gifts, love and wisdom. This is priceless and magical.”

- Michael Reid

Your Facilitators in Bali

Your Facilitators in Bali


KIRSTY KA is a Earth and Music Medicine carrier, retreat facilitator, ceremonialist and The founder of Wild Wisdom Ka. Her work focuses on helping people find greater love, confidence, meaning, wholeness and clarity through nature connection, ancient wisdom, self-expression and the sacred. Kirsty has been studying and working in different part of the world with Indigenous and nature based teachings for many years. She collaborates with wisdomkeepers, shaman and creatives internationally offering individual and group retreats, trainings, music medicine offerings and online programs for our personal and collective wellbeing and humanities conscious awakening.

Kirsty is joined by others who will be supporting and sharing on the journey.



We will be walking the Portuguese Coastal Way from Porto to Santiago or a shorter distance depending on the group and your personal choice. You are welcome to walk at your own pace, finding your own rhythm. We will move as feels natural for each individual and the group collective. All are welcome. You do not need to be an endurance hiker or musician per se. This is a journey that inspires all forms of creative expression. As we walk and stop for rests, we will offer and share in uplifting music, practices and wisdom for our wellbeing. If you can only join the journey for 1 week due to work or other commitments, this is possible and is available for a limited number of participants.


We will be sleeping in the traditional pilgrimage accommodation, albergues, surrounded by gorgeous countryside. This is a wonderful and unique component of the camino. We will also be camping, you are invited to bring your own tent and gear. Alternatively on some nights you may choose family-run establishments, renovated farmhouses for yourself at your own expense.


We will share meals together as a family, each buying what they want along the way and preparing meals for ourselves and/or each other. We will also eat meals in local establishments and you can have the freedom to choose what suits your needs, be that vegetarian or dining on local fish and delicacies.


Please organise your own transportation so that you arrive at the starting point on the 16th and from the end point on the 30th of September. We will provide meeting times, directions and suggestions at registration..

What is included : -:- The full 12 day group pilgrimage experience  -:- Traditional accommodation -:- All program offerings (music, yoga, holistic practices, ceremonies, quest, personal and group offerings & activities) -:- Pre-journey information, packing list, preparation suggestions -:- Official camion passport  -:- Situation updates prior to retreat given the current global climate

What is not included: -:- Flights to and from Portugal -:- Transport to starting point and from end point or along the way -:- daily meals -:- luggage transport if desired -:-Insurance





Places are limited

OPTION TO JOIN 1 WEEK ONLY IF AVAILABLE: Get in touch for details and pricing.

A deposit of €400 will be asked at registration. Payment plans are available.


I loved being able to step out of my everyday life to reconnect with and honour the spiritual aspect of myself and others, which can be so easily lost in an endless stream of tasks. As well as spending time in the natural world, sinking down deep into connection with the earth. I am much more peaceful on my return, as I am able to step back from the busy-ness of the world and take time to connect with what is important to me. I got to release so much stress and trauma, I am no longer in emotional turmoil. Now I am doing, what feels good to do and expanding on and balancing that with work, family etc.

~ Kiri G.

“For me the immersion was an initiation into a deeper level of connection with Nature, empowering me in the sharing of my purpose and what it truly means to embody leadership. I realised I had been stuck in one place from the fear of not getting it right. I emerged from the retreat with greater confidence and clarity. I had a massive break through around my voice. Not only did this heal old beliefs/blockages and open doors, it completely shifted my confidence around speaking and communicating my truth. ”

— Sara M.

“Thank you. Its been amazing. I really felt like i stepped out of my life for only a short period, but it felt huge, and I’m so glad i signed up and followed through. I don’t feel afraid of life like I did before, but rather excited to continue the journey.”

— Grace S.
