Bali Sacred Spaces Facilitator Training
March 15 - 21, 2025, Ubud
Join Kirsty Ka and community from around the world for a training dedicated to learning, exchanging and embodying sacred practices, tools and universal ancient keys to create and hold transformational spaces for one and many.
This is firstly a journey within, a dedicated space for you to honour your essence, to remember ancestral ways, to grow, to embody the sacredness of life and of your work, to build confidence in your knowing and deepen your connection to source and nature for greater alignment, guidance and expansion.
This is an empowering initiation for those already facilitating and those called to facilitate sacred spaces for individuals and groups, be they sessions, classes, circles, ceremonies, retreats, events, online programs and more.
In just a short time, by deepening your wisdom, practice and embodiment, you can feel greater confidence to step beyond comforts, doubts and fears, to share more your authentic voice and gifts and find support to bring your greater visions and offerings into being for All Our Relations.
Our intention is to enable more facilitators to expand and hold heart space for positive change in people's lives and in their communities. Together bringing greater unity and harmony amongst people, with the Earth and all of Creation.
Learn and exchange ancient, ancestral, and shamanic practices for space holding
Engage with tools, experiences, and skills to hold effective and transformational space
Set up, open, hold and close various sacred space and ceremonies
Overcome limiting beliefs, fears and blockages
Cultivated empowering connections within, with one another, with nature and spirit
Activate our voice and authentic expression with music medicine, sacred songs and circles
Gain experience and trust in the intuitive process of co-creation and working with others
Receive guidance to address and be prepared for difficulties
Learn teachings from different lineages and wisdom keepers
Cleans and activate with Water Blessings, Purification Lodge, Personal Nature Quest and more
Skill share, offer our gifts and expand our practices
Find greater inspiration, momentum, and dedication
Step more fully into what we are here to offer to the world
Opening Ceremony
Clarifying your visions / intentions
Fundamentals of setting up, opening and closing sacred space
Cultivating and exchanging techniques for inner alignment, growth, and self-care
Building greater confidence in our voices, inner wisdom and self-worth
Practicing facilitating, exploring and exchanging tools, skills and modalities
Embracing practices and teachings from ancestral and ancient wisdom
The power of your voice, music and your unique gifts
Working with and learning from the elements: water, fire, earth, air
Deepening our personal prayer for our day to day and facilitation
Shamanic practices and ceremonies that support us and others
Holding Circles (women/men/coed) of authenticity, vulnerability, healing and empowerment
Mentorship for individual challenges and growth
Expanding with online offerings
Co-creating cacao and other heart opening ceremonies
Personal Ceremony Nature Quest
Collaboration, community and global network of practitioners
Creating action plan and momentum for your greater work
Integration and accountability
9am - 10am Morning Sacred Practices
Circle - Collective Wisdom
10am - 11am - Ancestral Teachings and Sacred Spaces Tools
11am - 12pm - Sacred Spaces Manual and Daily Modules
12pm - 1pm - Lunch break
1pm - 2pm - Practices in Opening/Holding/Expanding
2pm - 3pm - Ceremonies/ Music medicine
3 - 4pm Applying Teachings / Guest Facilitators
4pm - 5pm Integration and Activation in our Lives and Work
6pm Onwards Evenings sacred spaces held for wider community (On two nights, this is optional)
The training will be held in the spiritual centre of Ubud in quiet beautiful nature area in Petulu.
After the training we offer ongoing integration and guidance for you to continue to expand with one another, with community, with sacred spaces here and with the blessings and transformations taking place for you and your path.
Early Bird : USD $698
Special : USD $798
Regular Price : USD $898
Get in touch to discuss payment options or for any questions.
The price is for this comprehensive week training, accommodation and food is not included in the rate.
Partial Scholarship places available by application should you be in need. Email us for details
“Joining this training was the best decision of my life” ~ Sarah Sam, Singapore
“The training brought me so much clarity, confidence, strength, self worth, empowerment, breakthroughs, transformation, expansion and rememberance. I am feeling so blessed, so grateful and not enough words can explain how this training changed my life. ~ Sahar Alk, Saudi
“The training gave me more clarity and the confidence to facilitate sacred space for others. It also allowed me to go deeper into my spiritual practice, my connection with nature and the creation of sacred space in my everyday life..” ~ Anna Philibert, Mexico,
”This experience will most certainly accelerate you along the path to holding — or enhancing how you hold — sacred and transformative space.” ~ Leslie O’Neil, USA“There was something so special about the program that created a great shift in my direction and vision of life and a steady flow of manifesting and connection. The journey was such a beautiful experience that will be always remembered. Thank you for the pure gifts, love and wisdom. This is priceless and magical. ” ~ Michael Reid, New Zealand
“Thank you so much again for this very inspiring, insightful and beautiful training. I feel that I’m really taking a lot of new practices, confidence and clarity from it. I feel much more confident about what it is that I want to offer, about my own self worth as well as the worthiness of the work I want to do more and share more with the world.
I would definitely recommend the training to anyone who’s interested to learn more about working with ceremony, connecting deeper with the unknown and with ancient wisdom.” ~ Pia Gurgel, Bali
Kirsty is a ceremonialist, a shamanic practitioner and medicine musician. For over two decades she has been working with and learning from nature, ancient wisdom and indigenous people around the world about essential forgotten practices that support greater harmony, personally, in our relations and with the Earth.
Kirsty is the founder of Wild Wisdom Ka, an organization working with wisdom keepers and indigenous elders offering programs and retreats that support people to find greater inner peace, wholeness and life fulfillment through reunion with nature, spirit and ancestral wisdom and practices.
Kirsty lives in Bali for 8 and a half years, she holds regular ceremonies, women’s circles, 1:1 sessions, retreats, quests and trainings internationally. She began holding The Sacred Spaces Facilitator Trainings in 2017 in Bali. After a number of years, the call came to grow into an online training enabling more people around the world to benefit and create greater impact. Alongside the large group online trainings, Kirsty is thrilled to hold this upcoming in person 7-day training again in Bali with an intimate group.
You can schedule a free call with Kirsty Ka to explore how the Sacred Spaces Training in Bali can be empowering for you and your work. Kirsty is available to answer your questions, offer detailed insights, and explore how the training can support your unique situation, desires, and greater visions.