Join Matua Louis, Kirsty Ka and Jeff Lester for an 11-Day Ancestral and Nature Based Wisdom course starting October 24th 2020. The program encompasses wisdom teachings, guided meditations, music medicine and daily practices for greater inner peace, love and growth. Recordings are shared daily (20 + min) and can be listened to and practiced at your own time and pace.
This course offers you practices and meditations to connect more with our roots and with the grounding and harmonising wisdom of nature as well as the innate wisdom of our ancestors. Elder Matua Ruia Kereopa will be sharing wisdom from his Maori forefathers. Together with Kirsty Ka and Jeff, from Jefe Living, they will be offering daily ancient and indigenous teachings and practices. The course offers down to earth guidance for our personal and spiritual growth and supports our greater love for life.
This is a journey of the heart, of love, joy and connection which starts with nourishing ourselves and our primary relation with the Earth and Creation. This in turn supports greater harmony in all our relations. Together we will be remembering and expanding in uplifting ways that can deeply support us in our daily challenges, our life changes, the healing of patterns and in our personal and global evolution.
7 x dynamic and inspiring guided audio experiences
3 x Maori wisdom recorded teachings
5 x sacred songs / medicine music
2 x Ancestral wisdom Ceremonies
2 x Live gatherings via Zoom with:
Opening connection and intention
Closing Integration and activation
A private WhatsApp group for convenience, accountability and a shared experience
Places are limited
“Thank your this was a really amazing, enlivening journey. I experience such childlike joy, awe, beauty and freeness and feel how it comes with me. This catalysed me seeing a much bigger picture which is so liberating. ”
“What you are delivering is so very special I send deep heart felt gratitude.”
“I believe this journey is a big part of remembering and unlocking.”
“I’m feeling deeply held and rejuvenated ”
Jeff, Matua and Kirsty - Wild Wisdom Ka New Zealand - 2018